Cloudy Hill

Cloudy Hill represents our exclusively processed specialty line of coffees and teas exclusively grown on Doi Mek Farm in Chiang Dao. Only the highest quality harvested coffee fruit and fresh tea leaves are used for Cloudy Hill products. We then process these micro-lots very uniquely to achieve the highest potential possible. Cloudy Hill brand is for the coffee or tea connoisseur that wants to enjoy something truly exceptional. Doi Mek Farm and PANA Coffee are pushing the bounds of Coffee and Tea quality in Thailand.

Coffee, Tea & Honey
Carefully Harvested | Meticulously Processed | Artisan Prepared.

Our Commitment to Freshness:

Cloudy Hill Coffee is freshly roasted every Monday and ships the following day.  Each order cut-off time is 5:00 PM (GMT+7) of the day before the roast day.

*We only ship you fresh coffee*

cascara guide